What is overwhelm?

When the brain get’s cluttered up with emotions, thoughts, and experiences we hit overwhelm. The brain can only cope with so much. So when it runs out of space we stop making sensible, well considered decisions, and the reactive part of the brain takes over.

This reactive part of the brain is designed to keep us safe and well only. It’s not very smart and it certainly doesn’t know how to organise the kids schedules, business strategy, or getting the groceries. This reactive part of the brain does not think very much and is much better suited to catching balls, rushing you to the loo, and avoiding fights.

Because it is focused on “survival business”, it has a limited selection of solutions to choose from, and it decides fast. So, your reactive brain will regularly look for quick fixes that make you feel full, safe and happy such as fast, sugary food, alcohol, and defensive behaviour. Then it will avoid things that can be put off like that report that is due on Thursday. According to the fast brain, food makes you feel good now, so it trumps the report that can wait!

If your mind feels like this office you might be in overwhelm!

Fast Brain – Quick Fixes

Your fast brain is fabulous for keeping you out of danger, which is important, because your slow brain would be terrible at it. By the time your slow brain realised you were in danger, considered all the possible outcomes, weighed up the pros and cons of each, and picked a suitable response you would have been run over by the bus!

The slow brain likes to stay well informed and considers all the available information. Your slow brain would tell you to make a nutritious casserole and work on the report while it is stewing in the crock pot! The casserole would feed your body better and the report would get done well in advance and relieve your stress. This would have a better end result, don’t you think?

When there are too many things cluttering your brain up, the fast, reactive brain takes over. And this is why we lose patience, make decisions we later regret, become impatient, procrastinate, and generally feel like we aren’t coping as well as we used to.

It’s a vicious cycle, the deeper into overwhelm we get, the less we serve ourselves, and the worse it gets.

We need to keep our fast brain in check, and force our slow brain to stay on. The fast brain can go back to keeping us from falling in holes and making sure we don’t starve to death. The slow brain can help us organise our lives better, handle those negative thoughts like a boss, and get back control.

Who get’s overwhelmed?

No one is immune from overwhelm. It can happen to you no matter what your background, age or sex and it doesn’t take that much.

If your emotions are already under pressure, you may find you are even more vulnerable to overwhelm. Teenagers are less resilient, as are people going through major life changes such as planning a wedding, losing a partner, moving house, or retiring from work.

Are you in overwhelm?

Overwhelm Coaching Sessions are for anyone that struggles with overwhelm. They are delivered privately, via zoom, so are available to you where ever you are in the UK.

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