A Little About Me

I’m a Qualified Life Coach, Psychology Undergraduate, and Experienced Canine Behaviourist!

Yes, I did say canine, I know you’re a person, but hear me out!

I’ve been helping families manage their dogs (and their own) overwhelm for nearly 16 years. The fact is, that nearly all dog behaviour problems start with, or are made worse by overwhelm.

It is also true that rehabilitating a dog with behaviour problems is overwhelming in itself, so I have plenty of strategies to help the owner manage their own stress, in order that they can help their dog with theirs! So I am no stranger to it and how it works.

I’ve always been interested in psychology, human and animal. To study dog behaviour you also have to understand human psychology, so they both go hand in hand. Now, two life coaching course later, and part way through my psychology degree, I realise that the exact same principles also apply to you and me!

It didn’t take much to adapt the techniques to people, in fact, it is much to help other people as they can tell you how they are feeling and what’s triggers them. For the past 16 years, I’ve had to play detective and figure out what the problem might be for myself. So working with people is quite refreshing!

Of course, the stresses and strains are different, as is the way we manage them, but my coaching qualification and psychology research has helped me fill in those gaps!

I’m also no stranger to overwhelm, I’m a normal human and no one is immune from it, so I use the techniques to manage my overwhelm as well as you all!

Caroline Mitchell

Caroline and Wilma!

Find out more about how I can help you conquer your overwhelm!